NLAAN Members and Colleagues:
As many of you may recall, the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus was launchedthis past September by U.S. Representatives Barbara Lee (D-CA), Jim McDermott (D-WA) and Trent Franks (R-AZ). Thirty years after the first discovery of AIDS in the U.S., it remains one of the greatest humanitarian crises of our time. An estimated 33.4 million people worldwide live with HIV/AIDS and more than 25 million people have died since 1981. The Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus was created to examine methods by which the United States can maintain global leadership in the response to the epidemic.
In commemoration of the upcoming World AIDS Day, the National Latino AIDS Action Network (NLAAN) is poised to send letters to members of Congress thanking them for their leadership and participation in the Caucus (see list below of current members of the Caucus). Additionally, NLAAN is directing letters to members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus[i] and Congressional Hispanic Conference[ii] who have not yet joined the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus. We are encouraging those members to join the Caucus and to support efforts in addressing the disproportionate burden of HIV/AIDS among Latino communities.
NLAAN is circulating these letters to get additional signatures (see attachments). Please join us in urging members of Congress to recommitment to addressing the diverse needs of communities of color, particularly Latino communities.
If you would like to sign-on, please email Francisco Ruiz with the following information:
Contact Name
City, State
Organization Name (If applicable)
The deadline for signatures is 5pm ET Wednesday, November 30th.
Thank you for your consideration for this quick turnaround. Please forward this letter and sign-on request to your national, state, and local networks. In addition to signing on to these letters, we encourage our members and colleagues to send individual and/or organizational letters of gratitude or encouragement to your respective elected officials.
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In the 112th Congress, the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus will explore five thematic areas:
- Implementation of the US National HIV/AIDS Strategy
- Financing for Bilateral and Multilateral HIV/AIDS programs
- The state of HIV/AIDS research
- The role of Faith-Based Organizations
- The 2012 International AIDS Conference to be held in Washington, D.C.
Current members of the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus:
House Members:
Barbara Lee (CA); Jim McDermott (WA); Trent Franks (AZ); Madeleine Bordallo (GU); Robert Brady (PA); Michael Capuano (MA); Donna Christensen (VI); Steve Cohen (TN); John Conyers Jr. (MI); Eliot Engel (NY); Maurice Hinchey (NY); Jerold Nadler (NY); Donald Payne (NJ); Mike Quigley (IL); John Olver (MA); Charles Rangel (NY); Edolphus Towns (NY); G.K. Butterfield (NC); Elijah Cummings (MD); Albio Sires (NJ); Bill Pascrell Jr. (NJ); Janice Schakowsky (IL); Maxine Waters (CA); Bobby Rush (IL); Alcee Hastings (FL); Raúl Grijalva (AZ); Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC); Bobby Scott (VA); Karen Bass (CA); Luis Gutierrez (IL); David Cicilline (RI); John Lewis (GA); Hank Johnson (GA); Henry Waxman (CA); Hansen Clarke (MI); Judy Chu (CA); Melvin Watt (NC); Michael Honda (CA); Nancy Pelosi (CA); Bruce Braley (IA); Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL); Corrine Brown (FL); Carolyn Maloney (NY); Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL); James Himes (CT); Howard Berman (CA); Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA); Theodore Deutch (FL); Tammy Baldwin (WI); Kathy Castor (FL); Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL); John Carter (TX); David McKinley (WV); Frederica Wilson (FL); José Serrano (NY); Linda Sanchez (CA); Charles Gonzales (TX); Jackie Speier (CA); Steven Rothman (NJ); Adam Schiff (CA); Norm Dicks (WA); Russ Carnahan (MO); Zoe Lofgren (CA); John Sarbanes (MD); Rush Holt (NJ)
Senate Members:
John Boozman (AR); Chris Coons (DE); Johnny Isakson (GA)
[i] The Congressional Hispanic Caucus comprises 21 Democratic members of the United States Congress most of whom are of Hispanic origin. Founded in 1976, the Caucus is dedicated to voicing and advancing, through the legislative process, issues affecting Hispanics and Latinos in the United States and Puerto Rico.
[ii] The Congressional Hispanic Conference is a Republican Party-controlled caucus in the United States Congress. The CHC was formed in 2003, with the stated goal of promoting policy outcomes of importance to Americans of Hispanic or Latino and Portuguese descent.
- National Latino AIDS Action Network
Consistent with our mission to mobilize, educate, and advocate on behalf of our communities, NLAAN will periodically share communications and/or resources that are timely and pertinent. NLAAN will never share our member’s contact information with a third party. If you no longer wish to receive emails through our listserv, please and include “REMOVE” in the subject line. Thank you for your partnership.
"Since I was 18 years old, I've been doing this education across the country, and I remember when I started doing it how angry I was. I remember I promised myself never to stop doing it; down to my last breath, I would continue to educate my community. Now I spend more and more time worrying about my doctor appointments. And I wonder, now, as I look around me,who is going to pick up my torch?" - Pedro Zamora
4 attachments — Download all attachments
image001.jpg 2K View Download |
![]() | NLAAN Letter to Congressional HIV AIDS Caucus FINAL.doc 152K View Download |
![]() | NLAAN Letter to Hispanic Caucus Non-HIV Caucus Members FINAL.doc 152K View Download |
![]() | NLAAN Letter to Hispanic Conference Non-HIV Caucus Members FINAL.doc 152K View Download |
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